Some Democrats want THIS U.S. President to win in 2024
Worries about President Joe Biden’s stamina and fitness on the campaign trail continue to grow after news broke Wednesday that the President tested positive for COVID-19.
Yesterday, a dozen Democratic lawmakers called on Biden to leave the race, nearly doubling the number of public calls for him to drop out since a lackluster performance during the June 27 U.S. Presidential Debate left him looking old, tired, feeble, and confused.
Ironically, in a BET exclusive interview taped Tuesday but airing Wednesday just hours after testing positive for COVID-19, Biden said that only a “medical condition” would get him to leave the race.
For now, President Biden is refusing to step aside.
However, should President Biden change his mind, who would run in his place?
Democratic Party operatives have been turning over every rock in search of an experienced candidate who appeals not only to Democrats but to independents and Republicans alike.
All roads lead to Jimmy Carter.
Attendees of Democrats’ Day at the Rock Island County Fair in East Moline, Illinois, were enthusiastic about the possible candidacy of the 39th President of the United States.
“I think the Peanut Farmer’s the right man for the job,” said Andrew Young, a cattle farmer from Rock Island County, Il.
“Our country needs someone who can unite us. Nobody’s more qualified than him,” said Karen Clarkson, a retired teacher from East Moline.
Petey Sorensen, a local Democratic Party staffer from Moline, Il., agreed, saying, “President Carter is a humanitarian, farmer, investor in green energy, U.S. Naval officer, carpenter, university professor, evangelical Christian, and senior citizen. He appeals to constituencies on both sides of the aisle.”
CNN senior political analyst David Gergen likes Carter’s chances of winning the general election.
“He carried Minnesota, Georgia and West Virginia twice and he is the last Democrat to win Texas. If you add the states that are traditional Carter strongholds to the ones Democrats are already likely to win and if that classic Carter charm can turn the Lone Star State blue, this election is in the bag.”
Despite 4-years experience holding the most powerful and important political office in the world, his ability to relate to voters of all stripes, and the built-in advantage his brand has in key states that have reliably voted Republican throughout the 21st century, some Democratic stalwarts worry that President Carter’s age and health of the 39th President of the United States may deter some voters.
“Biden is the oldest President in the history of the United States and there are people saying this is problem,” acknowledged a high-ranking Biden campaign official, speaking on condition of anonymity, before dismissing the idea of a Carter candidacy. “And now they want to replace him with a man who will be 100 on election day? Good luck with that!”
But some Democrats’ Day at the Rock Island County Fair attendees disagree.
According to Ophelia Jackson, a retail worker from Carbon Cliff, Il., “It’s not 100-years-old, it’s 100-years-young.”
“That’s 100-years of life experience. That’s 100-years of wisdom. No other candidate comes even close,” added Young.
“I mean, it’s cool that Biden set a record as the oldest leader of our country, but like, wouldn’t it be cooler to hold the Guinness World Record for being the oldest world leader ever?” asked Madison Brown, a student at Augustana College in Rock Island, Il.
While that would be cooler, the high-ranking Biden campaign official was quick to throw cold water on the idea.
“The man’s been in hospice care for a-year-and-a-half. With all due respect, if elected, they’d have to inaugurate him on his deathbed.”
Even so, some Rock Island County Fair attendees remain undeterred.
“It’s been 44-years since Carter was President,” said Clarkson. “It’s about time the country gave him a second chance.”
When asked if he could think of any positive reasons for Biden to step aside and allow Carter to win the Democratic Party primary, the high-ranking Biden campaign official conceded, “After 4-years of a bedridden centenarian steering the ship, Americans will realize how spry President Biden is and will be eager to cast their ballots for him when he runs against Trump again in 2028.”